Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Service Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Service Marketing - Assignment Example However, People today are more selective, alert, enlightened and powerful. Traditional concept of shopping has been changed, and now conventional shops and outlets are at the verge of extinction. This makes marketers to put their effort to categorize consumers according to their response toward the unfamiliar products/services. Marketing has been often misunderstood by many managers as investing huge amounts in advertising and sales. Innovations and technological advancements have made service/product marketing highly complex and competitive. This paper will discuss some essential marketing objectives, effective method of market research, and proper implementation strategies etc. with relevant examples and reasons. A consumer in his daily life confronts with hundreds of new products and service offers. The age of cutthroat competition is compelling marketers to innovate techniques to promote their products and services. Consumer behavior is a highly important factor in marketing operations. Each purchaser is unique and his needs also might vary from others. The new concept ‘consumer is the king’ has great importance in today’s marketing scenario. Customer acquisition and retention has become too difficult for organizations. It happens because of two reasons; competition is at its peak; and customers are highly informed. Hence market research and further planning has great significance in today’s business field. Theoretical aspects of advertisements have long term effect on certain segments of people. However, investing huge amounts in advertising and sales can not be justified as marketing. 1. The initial objective of marketing is to increase product awareness among the customers. Company should have a clear and measurable strategy to assess the results of its functions. As mentioned earlier, customers have become selective more than ever before. Hence, product awareness and incessant persuasion are essential

Monday, October 28, 2019

Assignment Templates Essay Example for Free

Assignment Templates Essay Templates include correct APA format as well as the sections required for the assignment. Students should insure that all papers submitted have a header of their name and the assignment and include page numbers. It will save time and enhance grading for students to use these templates as guidance. License Requirements Research Your Name Liberty University COUN 521-B05 Spring 2012 â€Å"State Name† Licensed Professional Counselor Licensure Requirements This first section will be an introduction stating your plans and a summary of the general requirements for the license for your preferred state. This section should include the contact information and reference citation for the respective state licensure office. Education This section will describe the education requirements such as what degrees are acceptable, how many semester or quarter hours required, and any specific courses required. This section should also include any additional educational experience required. Work Experience Required This section will describe the work experience required for the specific license desired. The description should include number of hours required overall with specific hourly requirements such as number of hours of direct client service, number of hours of supervision, and any other hourly requirements. The work experience description should also include any  specifications on supervision, such as whether or not the supervisor has to be an approved supervisor by the state licensing board. Finally the work experience description should include any areas of practice that the state office requires to be included when applying for licensure. Examination This section should describe examination requirements by the specific state office. The description should include what examinations are required and any specific score requirements noted. Uses and Restrictions of Assessments This section should begin with a short summary of information provided by the specific state office. Uses of Assessments This section should address the acceptable use of assessments per the specific state office. Restrictions on Assessment Use This section should address any restrictions on use of assessments per the specific state office. References References should be per APA format and should match citations in the text. References should be included for each source of information used. Exploring Reliability and Validity – Values and Motives Inventory Your Name Liberty University Exploring Reliability and Validity – Values and Motives Inventory Types of Reliability and Validity In this section, explain the type of reliability and validity used in this inventory. Areas of Concern and Strength Begin this section with an introduction paragraph. Then provide a sub- section of discussion on concerns or weakness such as low coefficients and a sub-section of discussion on strengths such as high coefficients. Concerns Use this section to discuss the concerns/weaknesses that you note. Strengths Use this section to discuss the strengths that you note. Sample Size Use this section to discuss how the sample size may influence the constructs purportedly measured by the test. Include discussion of strengths in the sample size and weaknesses in the sample size. Nature of Population Use this section to discuss how the nature of the population may influence the constructs purportedly measured by the test. Include discussion of strengths in the nature of the population and weaknesses in the nature of the population. Opinion Use this section to discuss your opinion regarding the quality of the test. Summarize information in the report and then relate this to guidance per your course material about test quality. Remember that even though this is your opinion, keep your writing in third person. References Be sure to include all references that you have cited in your paper such as the inventory (example below) and course textbook reference. Your reference page should be a separate page at the end of the document. This is the correct reference for the inventory that you are examining: Values and motives questionnaire: The technical manual. (n.d.). Bedfordshire, UK: Psytech International. Project 1: Initial Interview Type a short paragraph (2-3 sentences) summarizing this assignment as an initial interview to conduct a mental status examination and assess â€Å"client’s name† for the reason indicated in the referral question that you have chosen. Identifying Information This section should provide the client’s identifying information in narrative form. Include the person’s name, address, phone number date of birth, gender, marital status, occupation, current work/school information, emergency contact, and date of your interview of the client. Referral  Question State that â€Å"client† was referred to assess him/her for â€Å"reason indicated in the referral question you choose from the 3 choices provided in the instructions. Physical Appearance Presenting Appearance In this section use narrative format to present age, sex, ethnicity, height and weight description of the client, description of clothing worn, and presence of any assistive devices such as glasses, cane, etc. Also include in this section a description of any physical deformity that is present. Basic Grooming and Hygiene Provide a brief description of the client’s grooming and hygiene and appropriateness or not for the interview setting. Approach and Coordination In this section use narrative format to describe the client’s behavioral approach to the interview and the client’s gait and motor coordination. Also describe the client’s eye contact, facial expressions, and rapport with you throughout the interview. Finally address the client’s degree of alertness and the mood and affect present during the interview. Present Level of Functioning in Work/School, Relationships, and Leisure Begin this section with a paragraph that addresses general functioning of the client in work and or school, in relationships, and in leisure. Then address the MSE information as follows: Language and Speech In this section present the MSE information in narrative format regarding expressive language, receptive language, and speech as outlined in the document provided for you on â€Å"How to Conduct a Mental Status Exam.† Orientation and Thought Processes In this section present the MSE information in narrative format regarding orientation times the five areas indicated in the instructions, client’s coherence, client’s concentration and attention throughout the interview, client’s thought processes, any hallucinations or delusions present (note if absent), intellectual ability, and abstraction skills. These areas are  outlined in the document provided for you on â€Å"How to Conduct a Mental Status Exam.† Medical History and Current Status In this section, use narrative format and discuss the client’s present health status(as described by the client) and date of last physical, any current health complaints or absence of these, general health history, any past or present health treatments, any current medications, other drugs, or supplements, client’s sleep pattern, client’s appetite level and any recent changes in appetite, and client’s exercise pattern. Past Counseling Experiences or Psychiatric History In this section use narrative format and discuss the client’s concerns addressed and type and length of treatment that client has received for any concerns addressed (if none, state this). If the client has received help for any concerns addressed, also discuss the types of outcome from the help received with discussion of positive results and discussion of unhelpful results. If the client has not received professional help for concerns addressed use this section to also note how client coped with these concerns up to the time of the interview. Include discussion in this section of any medications used to treat concerns addressed. This should include prescribed medications, over the counter medications, or self-selected substances used to treat concerns such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Family Information In this section use narrative format to describe the client’s current marital status, number and ages of children living at home, number and ags of immediate family members not living at home, other people living at home, any violence or physical abuse in the family, family-of-origin make-up, influences of the family-of-origin on present problems, family history of psychiatric problems, and family history of substance abuse. NOTE: If there is not family history of psychiatric problems or substance abuse, state this. Social/Developmental History In this section, use narrative format to discuss any irregularities in development or indicate that the client had normal development with no  presence of any irregularities. This may include prior experiences in life that have framed the client’s general approach to life. Also indicate the client’s religious affiliation or so state if there is none. Discuss the client’s current social situation such as social networks or activities that client engages in. In this section include discussion of the client’s values that seem to frame life for them. Educational/Occupational History In this section include two paragraphs with one addressing educational history and one addressing occupational history. In the paragraph on educational history include client’s level of educational attainment and any specialized training, college majors, etc. that apply to the client. In the paragraph on occupational history include discussion of previous work experiences, reasons for any job changes or terminations, and any military background. Conclude this section with a paragraph of indication of the client’s report on overall satisfaction of any current job or school engaged in and any current stresses related to current educational or occupational experience. Cultural Influences In this section use narrative format to describe in general cultural factors present with the client that provide influence on issues discussed. These should include the client’s race and/or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and any experiences of discrimination or perceived internal or external barriers that apply to the client (if none present, so state). Also use this section to discuss any other cultural influences that may be present for the client. Achievement Results Your Name Liberty University Achievement Results SAT Scores Use the first paragraph to summarize the case to the client as you understand  the client’s concerns. Use the second paragraph to discuss any additional information the client may not have considered. Use the third paragraph to discuss alternatives for the client at this time for the presenting issue with inclusion of client input in resolution decision. Incorporate discussion of causes, precipitants, or other possible influences on the case and any alternative explanations for the client’s concerns. Be sure to cite pertinent information from course material and from any additional professional resources used. Percentile Rank Use the first paragraph to summarize the case to the client as you understand the client’s concerns. Use the second paragraph to discuss any additional information the client may not have considered. Use the third paragraph to discuss alternatives for the client at this time for the presenting issue with inclusion of client input in resolution decision. Incorporate discussion of causes, precipitants, or other possible influences on the case and any alternative explanations for the client’s concerns. Be sure to cite pertinent information from course material and from any additional professional resources used. References NOTE: These are correct listings for your text references. Also include any other references that you use and cite above. Fischer, J., Corcoran, K. (2007). Measures for clinical practice and research: A sourcebook (4th ed., Vol. 1). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Whiston, S. C. (2009). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Psychological Report NOTE: A sample report for Project 2 is located under Course Content in Assignment Instructions under â€Å"Project 2: Psychological Report.† This is titled â€Å"Project 2 Sample.† Use this as your template for the Project 2 assignment. Essay Questions: Name of Area for Your Essay Your Name Liberty University Essay Questions: Name of Area from Question You Choose to Discuss As this is an essay versus a paper you do not have to use headings. However, be sure to address each area within the essay question that you choose. For instance if you choose to address Essay Question 1, there are seven questions and you would need to discuss your answers to all seven of those questions. Do include a separate reference page as the example below. References NOTE: These are correct listings for your textbook references. Also include any other references that you cite in your paper. Fischer, J., Corcoran, K. (2007). Measures for clinical practice and research: A sourcebook (4th ed., Vol. 2). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Whiston, S. C. (2009). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Test Critique: Name of the Test Your Name Liberty University Abstract Summarize your critique in accordance with guidelines on abstracts from the APA manual. Test Critique: Name of the Test There should be an introductory paragraph with a test description similar to that given in a vendor’s catalogue. In this paragraph also indicate that this critique will review both strengths and weakness of this test. General Information Basic Test Information In this section provide information in narrative format on title of the test, author (s), publisher and date of publication, cost, and availability or not  of an online version. Include information on the development of the test – full name of the test, when it was first developed, the population for which the test is appropriate, and its primary uses. Indicate whether the test is an objective or projective measure and whether it is more of an intelligence, achievement, or personality measure. Indicate whether or not this test has alternate forms, when these were created, and under what circumstances these are used. History of Test In this section discuss when and why the test was developed. Also discuss how the history of this test fits into the overall scheme as presented in the course text. Testing and Assessment Assumptions In this section discuss the assumptions of testing and assessment as they relate to this specific test. Test Description In this introductory section give a general description of the test in narrative format. This should include a description of the different sections and subsections of the test with indication of what each of these measure. This section should include some example items used to assess the construct of the test. This section should also describe how this test is used in the assessment setting. Test Content In this section describe the constructs, domains, or variables that the test measures. Discuss the unidimensionality or multidimensionality of the constructs. Also discuss the theoretical and/or empirical foundation of the test. Purpose of Test In this section describe the purpose and potential uses of the test. Also describe the population for whom the test is designed. Test Structure In this section indicate the length of the test and the number of items. Also describe any subscales that are in the test and the format used for the test items. Test Administration In this section describe the administration procedures for the test and the necessary administrator qualifications and/or training required for administration of this test. Also discuss any special testing conditions that must be considered and different versions of test administration such  as paper and pencil, online, computer administration, etc. Test Scoring In this section discuss the type of scoring or scaling used, the scores generated such as subscale, factor, or dimension scores, and the scoring procedures used such as hand scoring, mail-in scoring service, or computerized scoring via software or online. Technical Evaluation Standardization/Normative Sample This section includes narrative description of the size and demographics of the standardization sample, procedures followed in obtaining the sample, adequacy of the standardization sample, and adequacy of the norms provided. Reliability This section should discuss the types of reliability for which there is evidence and the adequacy of this evidence to support potential uses of the test. Validity This section should discuss the types of validity for which there is evidence and the adequacy of this evidence to support potential uses of the test. Practical Evaluation Quality of Test Materials In this section describe the quality of writing in the test, quality of graphic design and presentation of this in test materials, and other noted aspects of materials quality such as durability and attractiveness. Ease of Administration, Scoring and Interpretation This section should discuss the clarity and comprehensiveness of instructions, directions, or guidance provided. There should also be discussion of time and resources needed to administer, score, and interpret the test as well as any other practical aspects of administration, scoring, and interpretation. Summary Evaluation and Critique Strengths of the Test Use this test to describe the strengths of the test as compared to course guidance on what constitutes a good test. Weaknesses of the Test Use this test to critique the weaknesses of the test as compared to course  guidance on what constitutes a good test. Recommendations In this section indicate your recommendations for use of the test, for revisions, or updates, and for further study of the test. Although these are your recommendations, this should still be written in third person. References NOTE: Remember to include at least five references for this assignment with reference list and in-text citations matching and reference list in correct APA format.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Discours Des Droits De Lhomme Au Sens Dun Retour A Aristote :: French Philosophy Essays

ABSTRACT: It is interesting to see Aristotle's observation of natural law in order to renew the ideal of law against the Marxist theory of society, to renounce the normative theory of the nation, and to study the liberal theory of information. All this allows us to expect the realization of social justice and human rights from the institutionalization of markets (agora) and the precondition of the boundary of the general culture (paideia), namely the communitarian ethics and the moral reformation against the genealogist tradition. We find in the tradition inaugurated by Aristotle the function of ethical discussion about the common good, thus imbricating the differences stratified by the economic evolution in the polis. La reprà ©sentation simplificatrice de la philosophie moderne comme historicisme, qui retire au droit le rà ´le des normes, devrait susciter chez les nouveaux dà ©fenseurs des droits de l'homme une sympathie à   l'à ©gard des critiques les plus radicaux. Non pas que l'historique doive juger selon les crità ¨res du droit, mais c'est l'histoire elle-mà ªme qui devient "le tribunal du monde", et le droit lui-mà ªme doit à ªtre pensà © à   partir de son insertion dans l'historicità ©. La thà ©orie marxiste de la socià ©tà © renonce à   formuler une thà ©orie normative de l'Etat. La critique marxienne des droits de l'homme s'inscrit dans le projet d'instaurer une domination totale de l'Etat sur la socià ©tà ©. Dans l'organisation des systà ¨mes totalitaires existants, on peut trouver, sur le plan pratique, la preuve que les productions de la subjectività © moderne, loin d'à ªtre à ©mancipatrices, tendent à   asservir l'homme et à   dà ©truire sa dignità ©. Pour rà ©nover l'idà ©e de droit, le retour aux classiques, notamment le retour à   la conception aristotà ©licienne du droit (tà ©moin l'oeuvre de L.Strauss), apparaà ®t le moins contestable. Par la considà ©ration du juste naturel qui est un principe de la loi et du meilleur (juste) rà ©gime, Aristote prend pour norme l'ordre cosmique qui, en tant qu'indà ©pendant du sujet, constitue une dimension de l'objectività ©. Contre le "droit subjectif", le droit naturel antique propose le modà ¨le d'un "droit objectif", qui se laisse bien plutà ´t observer et dà ©couvrir dans la nature. L'observation de la nature rend possible la dà ©termination de ce qui est juste et bon. L'Ethique à   Nicomaque enseigne que si la forme du gouvernement (ou le rà ©gime) varie selon les lieux et les à ©poques - cependant il n'y a qu'une seule forme de gouvernement qui soit à   chaque fois la meilleure selon la nature - le droit naturel concerne ce qu'il y a de meilleur et par rà ©fà ©rence à   quoi on peut contester une organisation à ©ventuellement pire de l'Etat.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why Does It Matter?

On May 21, 2011 many people around the world â€Å"prepared† themselves for what was sure going to be their last day on earth. According to a man by the name of Harold Camping, by 6 pm on May 21st, the world was supposed to have experienced a grand earthquake thus preceding â€Å"The Rapture,† and it seems as though people around the world spend their â€Å"last days on earth† doing many different things. This alone shows what values we respect and how we view them. Harold Camping had concocted some heinous math equation that led him to publicize his fourth prediction.Although the amount of thought and research he put behind his Christian instinct was impressive; all he managed to do was create a moment of desperation for those of us who lead a â€Å"sinful† life, and a false ray of hope for those who cling to the prophetic words of people like, Harold Camping. As one can imagine, the last few days have been driven by the predicted â€Å"end of the world, † and through outlets such as Twitter, Live Journal, and Facebook, stories of how people spent their last days have surfaced.Some people thought it would be a great idea to spend their life savings or their children’s college funds, some people spent the day fulfilling their goals and dream, others just spent the past few days locked in and repenting, and the rest either didn’t care or forgot. All these crazy fear-based decisions lead to a small list of much greater and loaded questions: Is it worth it? Does it matter? and Why does it matter? Of course these are questions that fall under the category of â€Å"The Meaning of Life,† and are virtually impossible to reply to, but everyone should be entitled to possess their own educated opinion, right?In Thomas Nagel’s essay â€Å"The Absurd† he raises some interesting, but conflicting arguments toward life’s â€Å"absurdity†. In his very complicated essay of rationalizations, he ba sically presents us with the 3 main reasons why life could be considered absurd: 1) Whatever we do now will not affect the world in the future, so why does it matter? 2) We are forever considered small when compared with the universe, and our lives considered short, so why do we matter? 3) Our actions have no purposeful end, so why do they matter?Nagel tries to justify his statements, but in the end his statements contradict his points, and this could even be summarized in one simple explanation. If you will not be around in the next 1 million years, how could you or anybody else judge peoples actions to determine if whether or not they infinitely matter or not matter. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, â€Å"Existentialism† is considered a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will (Oxford).Within this reasoning is what Nagel based his essay on, but as black and white as this may seem, many other factors should be calculated when trying to determine whether or not existentialism is rational. Without delving too far into the topic of religion, the question about the morality of certain issues still lies on the table. When trying to find a religiously ambiguous debate against existentialism one of the most important questions to consider would be: In a world in which we act on impulse without the fear of repercussion, how would our feelings as human beings factor into our decisions?As long as there has been the existence of humans on this earth, it would probably safe to assume that there has also been the â€Å"existence† of feelings among the people. Feelings are probably the one impulse that humans find the most difficult to quell in their everyday lives, and from personal experience, one of the most pleasantly intrusive aspects of human life. Although this might be debatable, the statement previous t o the latter is not. In her 1970’s book Never in Anger: Portrait of an Eskimo Family, Professor Jean L.Briggs studied the Utkuhikhalingmiut (â€Å"Utku†) Eskimos of the Canadian Northwest Territories. In this tribe she found that anger and aggression was extremely rare. â€Å"Briggs suggests that even in circumstances that we would find intolerably frustrating or offensive, the Utku do not get angry. Where we would be resentful or even furious, the Utku are merely resigned. Anger is an unreasonable response† (qtd. By Solomon). Even in instances such as these, the Eskimo are in a way â€Å"brainwashed† from a young age in order to lead this â€Å"harmonious† life, and even then they lose their cool.As reported by a fellow anthropologist ,by the name of Catherine Lutz, â€Å"among the Ifaluk of Micronesia, the most serious incident of aggression last year, was when one man touched another's shoulder. He was subjected to a severe fine, a reasonable p enalty for extremely unreasonable behavior† No matter what one tries to do feeling will always resurface and affect our judgment whether we mean to or not. It’s simply just part of the way we were made and will always remain that way.To argue that someone could easily â€Å"discard† their feeling and act purely on impulse would be an ignorant statement. When talking about the rationality as opposed to the morality of a situation it then becomes a little bit more tricky because as Robert Rorty makes a wonderful job in pointing out, who can define rationality? In accordance with his characteristic nominalism, that â€Å"rationality is not a thing,† to be Socratically defined or characterized in any singular way.I would say that it is one of those â€Å"essentially contested concepts† of philosophy (like â€Å"freedom,† â€Å"truth,† and â€Å"justice†) which plays a primarily polemical as well as a normative role in our conversati ons, despite the â€Å"descriptive† characterizations that are readily available in behavioral theory and the social sciences. The question is how the term is being used in any particular context and what distinctions are being made –for often the real message is political and not merely conceptual and conveyed only by implication. (qtd.By Solomon) With arguments such as this one it brings us back to the original debate. Who is to decide what is rational? For one person might think something is a great idea when in reality it might not be, but at the same time still remain it remains a decisions in which it will not tip the scale in either moral direction. As we probably could assume from the beginning, these questions are probably best if left unanswered. They complexity of trying to find the â€Å"true meaning† of life is far too great a task for someone of our caliber to judge.The best thing that we can do as a society is stick together and apply our best tra its to create a harmonious place for us to develop and live in. The one thing that is irrefutable would have to be the undeniable fact that if we live our lives in the best way we can while making the best decisions within society’s judgment, we can’t really go wrong, and if Nagel had one thing right, it was that our time on this earth is short, so we might as well take advantage of the things we’ve been blessed with and live life to the fullest.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Merits and Demerits of cell phones

When the Laptop is in Battery mode, connect the external USB device which are essential and remove them immediately after use, otherwise these devices will draw power from Laptop. 4. Always remove Charger/adapter from Main when the Laptop is not in use. 5. Delete unwanted files then and there otherwise it may occupy more space. 6. Whenever external storage device is required to be used, please scan before use. 7. Clean the Laptop monitor every day using soft cloth. And not by fingers. Clean the eye board using paint brush. 8. Always lift or hold the Laptop with both the hands. Handle carefully. 9. Keep the Laptop in the bag provided when pot use. 10.Keep the Laptop with proper ventilation 11. Place the Laptop in plain and smooth surface while using. 12. Insert the External devices gently in the proper port. 13. Open and close the Laptop gently, otherwise the hinges may break. 14. In case of any problem with the Laptop, register your complaint and approach the nearest service centre i ndicated by ELECT Don's 1. Do not place the Laptop closer or on to any electrical device such as Microwave Oven, TV etc and directly under sunlight. 2. Do not keep any liquid such as water, beverages near Laptop so as to avoid spill over on keyboard.. 3. Do not keep any book or heavy weight items on the Laptop. 4.Never keep the laptop in â€Å"ON† condition in the bed while sleeping. Always ensure that the Laptop is switched off and kept away from the bed before going to sleep. 5. Do not keep more applications / shortcuts on the Desktop (Screen), it may slow down the Speed of the process. Keep mostly working files / applications alone in the Laptop. 6. Do not open too many files at a time. . Do not shut down forcibly by using power button. Turn off the Laptop by proper shut down method. 8. Do not place your finger on the screen. 9. Do not hard press the keys. Use the keyboard gently. 10. Do not use the Power adapter of others Laptops. 11. Never put stapler pin or paper clips into the keyboard 12.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conflict in Syria Essay

Conflict in Syria Essay Conflict in Syria Essay Conflict in Syria In 2011, protests spread throughout the country of Syria to bring down the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad and started a civil war. The U.S. is considering using force in Syria because Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against protesters, which is an international law to not use any chemical weapons, and killed more than one hundred-thousand Syrians. Should the U.S. get involved with Syria? The best option the U.S. should take towards Syria is to work with the International Community to end the civil war. This option is best because we are not putting ourselves in harm’s way, it is best to hear others’ options with this kind of situation instead of going ahead, and using more violence is definitely not the answer to stopping this conflict. Cooperating with the International Community would be the best way to end the war because we will not harm ourselves in any ways possible. We are in debt already so we would not be able to afford another war. We also do not want to lose any soldiers or hurt any innocent bystanders. The U.S. should try to compromise with other countries for a much better peaceful solution. Working with others is the best way to end this conflict is because we need a solution that best fits for everybody. The U.S. acting alone will lead not only resentment towards the country, but will hurt the ability to influence a diplomatic solution in Syria. The U.S. should wait until other countries authorize similar military action or, as said before, come up with a peaceful solution that fits for everybody. The U.S. should be a part of the solution, not the conflict. Using force on this matter will not help with anything but will harm not just ourselves but others also.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Rise and Fall of Enron Essays

Rise and Fall of Enron Essays Rise and Fall of Enron Paper Rise and Fall of Enron Paper The rise and fall of Enron is a company that was lead to its own demise by it’s own leadership and ill business decisions. The motivational theories explained from the readings of Organization Behavior can correlate with the failure of Enron’s internal organization. Even though a company may appear to display successful business practices, the influence of leadership through management can ultimately lead the company to fail. Enron’s code of ethics prided itself on four key values; respect, integrity, communication, and excellence. Codes of ethics should be a reflection of what the owners, investors, and employees work towards as an organization. Executives overlooked those values as they deliberately corrupted Enron by engaging in money laundering, accounting fraud, falsifying income, and other conspiracies. Employees continued to work their scheduled routine hours and showed loyalty by working through lunches and doing overtime, unaware that their invincible company would soon go under leaving them scrambling for answers. As the company struggled and faced financial ruin, executives betrayed their dedicated employees by informing them that Enron’s foundation was solid and continue to be profitable and had not allowed them to sell their stock in the company. At the same time, executives sold their share of the company and received millions of dollars before filing for bankruptcy and being investigated by the United States Justice Department. The unfortunate employees believed that they helped Enron develop into a successful company that it was and saw everyone as family. A combination of motivation and influential theories can explain Enron’s ultimate failure. Enron’s failure as an organization can be described in the theories of motivation. Employees need somewhat of an inspiration to lead their efforts to attaining a solid goal. Edwin Locke’s goal-setting theory and self-concordance can both be brought to explain Enron’s failure. Edwin Locke’s goal-setting theory links motivation to meeting specific and challenging goals to contribute to higher and better task performance and receiving positive feedback would be a reward of pride and triumph. Motivational goals may come from promotions, raises, long term careers, or working for a great company. Self-concordance reflects in the way people reason in practicing goals that are in line with their interests and values. Enron offered those goals to their employees and in returned hired the most qualified, experienced, and self driven people to attain those goals. Working for a very prominent and successful company gave employees the sense of comfort and dependability that breathed prosperity. However, it was those goals that had false hopes. Enron had high aspirations that joint ventures in trading energy with investors in the new virtual market place would be successful but failed and lost millions of dollars. Enron continued to press forward and kept all employees on track but if they were not able to obtain their goals, for the sake of keeping the company above water, they were let go. Once employees dedicate and committed themselves to a strictly structured organized culture, they have a tendency of enduring ethical judgement that is later rationalized in one form or another. Strong leadership, management and organizational structure is what every business should be governed around. The neglect and abuse of that leadership, management, and organizational structure was the ultimate contribution to the failure of Enron. The executives displayed leadership in shaping and exhibiting Enron as a prominent and innovative company that discovered new ways of doing business. Under the leadership of Jeffrey Skilling, he exercised a highly strict culture that included the recruitment of top intelligent and assertive candidates from prestigious universities who were trained to produce deals rapidly. Management encouraged and required a high level of performance by each employee to any means necessary, which lead to breaking ethical business practices. As those ventures failed, executives continued unethical behavior which led to accounting fraud, falsifying income, and a number of other malpractices and abuses of power. Enron maintained to administer a series of appropriate management control which included a performance review system, risk assessment and control group, followed by a code of ethics. These groups worked on behalf of Skilling’s organizational structure and assured the employees protection. The levels of communication between management were evidently clear of doubt in regards to any questionable actions dealing with projects. Enron’s organizational structure proved to ruin the integrity of the company with corruption, influence, and manipulation. Influential leadership can carry power to others in ethical or unethical ways to serve a single purpose. Enron used those powers to create a culture that demanded excellence. Skilling’s leadership role at Enron influenced unethical behavior and directed the organizational culture to discredit the morals and values of the company. While motivation of rank, greed, and power provided management to successfully control the process in which loyal employees worked until the end. References Robbins, S. P. , Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. The Organization | July / August 2007 by Clinton Free, Mitchell Stein, and Norman Macintosh MANAGEMENT CONTROLS: THE ORGANIZATIONAL FRAUD TRIANGLE OF LEADERSHIP, CULTURE AND CONTROL IN ENRON iveybusinessjournal. com/topics/the-organization/management-controls-the-organizational-fraud-triangle-of-leadership-culture-and-control-in-enron

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A List of Typical Special Ed. Accommodations

A List of Typical Special Ed. Accommodations Individualized accommodations are put in place to help learners at risk and students with special needs to have success in their IEP or academic program. Typically, accommodations are listed in the students IEP. Here is a list of suggestions for accommodations for a variety of disabilities: Try cross  ability grouping. Create a group of typical peers who can support the student with the special education.  Provide photocopied notes (or a study guide) to eliminate the students with IEPs frustration and difficulty with hand-eye coordination, requiring copying from the board.  Make use of Graphic Organizers.Provide organization tips and meet with parents to show them how to use the strategies to support their students at home.Simplify and declutter.  If your classroom is cluttered, it creates distractions that create barriers to students success.  They find disorienting.  So, declutter and help students keep their work areas or desks organized.  Provide time management tips and skills. Sometimes it helps to have sticky notes on the students desk to remind the student of how much time they have to complete tasks.Tracking sheets. Provide a tracking sheet of agenda where students will write expected assignments for the week/day.Keep lessons concrete. Use visual and concrete materials as much as possible. Use assistive technology when available.Find students buddies and model for them how to support the student with disabilities without over functioning for the student.  Keep instructions and directions chunked. Provide one step at a time, dont overload the student on too many pieces of information at once.Color code items. For instance, put some red tape on a math textbook along with red tape on the math notebook. Color code items that help the child with organization tips and that provide information about what is needed.Make sure there are visual clues around the room to prompt appropriate behavior and academic activities.  Provide extra time for the processing of information.Larger size font is sometimes helpful.Provide auditory supports to limit the amount of text the student is required to read.  Give repetition and clarification regularly.Provide close proximity to the teacher.Seat the child away from distractions whenever possible. Think critically about seating arrangem ents.Provide reminders on the desk - taped 100s charts, number lines, vocabulary lists, word bank lists taped alphabets for printing or writing etc. Provide a study carrel or alternate place to work for specific tasks.Provide scribing or a peer for scribing when necessary or utilize the speech to text software applications.Give ongoing feedback.Pay close attention to lighting, sometimes preferential lighting can make a world of difference.Provide a chillax area, a quiet location to enable the student to chill out or relax.Provide headphones to remove extraneous noises.Let the child provide oral responses instead of written where appropriate to demonstrate an understanding of the concept.Provide time extensions as necessary. Be selective when determining the accommodations that will best help the student. If the accommodations dont work after a specified period of time, try something else. Remember, the IEP is a working document and its success will depend on how closely the contents are implemented, monitored and revised to meet the students needs.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

College mathmatices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

College mathmatices - Essay Example The value of 10 is used as a base because mathematicians have found that logarithms having a base of 10 were more useful for computations and they possessed many advantages that were not obtained in other bases. Common logarithms are denoted as log10(x) and even if there is no base written it should be assumed that the base is 10. If the base is other than 10 then it must be specified by the use of a subscript. On the other hand Natural logarithms use e as a base, where e is an irrational number whose decimal value is approximately 2.71828182845904. Natural logarithms are also important like common logarithms because of their relationship to e which is used in solving many differential equations in calculus. Natural logarithms are denoted by loge(x) or ln(x). Logarithms have eased up the way of calculation in mathematics. Recall that multiplication is a shortcut for addition and exponents are shortcut for multiplication, similarly logarithms are shortcut for exponents. John Napier a great mathematician will never be forgotten for his great discoveries, formulas, and theories. He once said that I hope my logarithms will save calculators much time and free them from slippery errors of calculations. Laplace said 200 years later said, "By shortening the labors, Napier doubled the life of astronomers" (as cited in Petersen, n.d.). Logarithms play a crucial role in the field of sciences and engineering. They can help you out whenever there is an exponential component missing in the problem. We can find several applications of logarithms in astronomy, geology, computer science, chemistry, physics, and several other disciplines. In chemistry we have a concept of pH which determines whether the whether a substance is alkaline, neutral, or acidic in nature depending if pH is greater than, equal to, or less than 7 respectively. A substance with a pH of 5 is ten times as acidic as one with a pH of 6 that’s why pH scale is expressed by a common logarithm. If H+ is the

Womens Work and Globalized Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Womens Work and Globalized - Case Study Example In this case, the women find themselves able to cope well with the challenges that come with the globalization and the women’s work in the workplaces. As a result, more and more women should seek the available employment in the technologic areas applied areas instead of leaving them only to men as it has always been there before Globalization to women in the workplace currently witnessed in various sectors of the employment sectors in the world. Today many women take very complicated courses that initially were for men. For instance, areas such as engineering, medicine, chemistry, and physics used to be for men. However, the trend today is remarkable since it is women who form the best engineers, doctors, and scientist when compared to men. Despite the social changes that are also there to influence the globalization trends among the women in the workplaces, the trend of the invention of modern technologies encounters them. The invention of computers today makes it entirely possible for the women where they can work in an organization as clerks, receptionist, secretaries, and other positions that men do ignore or refuse to take. As such technology becomes useful to women in working with to an organization in such work sectors Countries such as Japan and Italy today have most of their women playing the greatest role in globalization issues due to employment. In these countries, women begin to start embracing the use of technology as early as their childhood status. When they become fully grown up, they can effectively use the various forms of technology which, in this case, promotes the globalization trends in the world. Despite the presence of discrimination that may come due gender and also the political influences that there may be in a particular country.

Friday, October 18, 2019


GENETICS- ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Research Paper Example The paper achieves this objective by identifying and examining roles that should be played by a multi-disciplinary healthcare team to effectively deal with a family whose unborn child is diagnosed with Tay Sach’s genetic disease. This case study also includes a teaching plan formulated for the family to examine further, the moral implications regarding ease of access to individuals’ genetic information. Additionally, the paper has a reflective section giving insight into my opinion in regard to the family’s decision, as well as, my advocacy for this choice. The final section in the report evaluates the legal and moral circumstances of carrying a baby diagnosed with Tay Sach’s to term. Genetics Case Study It is evident from the Trosack family case that, they are staunch Catholics. This implies that, strong Christian beliefs and ethics guide this family’s decisions, hence their elevated believe in God rather than scientific based evidence. All the sam e, the family needs professional support and education, so as to effectively cope with the Tay Sach’s diagnosis and provide sufficient care for their unborn child. Assessment of the Trosack’s case study brings several crucial healthcare issues to light. The issues include poly pharmacy concerns, and depression possibility owing to the pregnancy and consequent diagnosis (Jenkins & Lea, 2005). These issues can only be addressed by a team with diverse skills and knowledge in different disciplines. The multi-disciplinary team will help me, as the nurse in charge, to formulate an adequate education and discharge plan for Rita Trosack and her family. Members of the Interdisciplinary Team Case Manager: This is one of principal players in management of the case, since the individual is responsible for planning, task assignment and coordination of the other members involved in the Trosack family case (Jenkins & Lea, 2005). Additionally, the case manager provides information abo ut appropriate pregnancy care, while availing resources after Mrs. Trosack’s discharge. This individual can also assist the couple in accessing suitable physicians for their unborn child. It is also the case manager’s responsibility to question the Trosack couple, in order to discover relevant information such as their medical insurance, the level of education, religious beliefs and home living conditions. Overall, the case manager will provide access to all necessary resources for continued care for the child and its mother. Social Worker: This is a vital team member because he or she would enable the family to cope with the Tay Sach’s diagnosis and later treatment (Jenkins & Lea, 2005). Further, a social worker has the capability to guide the family in gaining access to proper support groups and community resources. The worker may also provide emotional support for the family in the course of disease progression. Generally, I would expect the social worker to provide all relevant information about support groups, available community resources and comprehensive education about prenatal care. Registered Gynecologist or Nurse: A gynecologist would be highly beneficial in this case, since Mrs. Trosack is pregnant. The gynecologist’s responsibility would be to examine all changes, however trivial, in the pregnant woman thus effectively monitoring the

Communication Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication Challenges - Essay Example The first challenge for communication to take place comes in when a communicator chooses the wrong communication channel. Channel involves the route or the method used to convey the message. A channel must be suitable to as many recipients who must have a way of encoding the message. A wrong identification of the intended audience by the communicator will mean a wrong channel and thus no communication. For instance, when a communicator intends to communicate to a large audience, he must choose a channel that accommodates that. It will be easier to broadcast the news of an upcoming urgent event on a radio or TV other than use written messages. On the other hand, complex information requires a written form of communication other than a verbal form. The second challenge or barrier to communication depends on the receiver of the message. Attitudinal barriers come about because of individual problems of the recipients. The relationship between team players can affect communication. For instance, personal conflicts between people in a team or in an office will hinder open communication, delay communication, or even make some employees refuse to communicate at all. In addition, poor management, lack of training, and employee consultation will lead to a dissatisfied and demotivated team. It is very hard to communicate to a team that is not motivated; they will encode what they want to hear. In the 21st century, communicators face the challenge of communicating to a tech-savvy team especially the younger generation.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Real Estate Foreclosures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Real Estate Foreclosures - Essay Example Through foreclosure process, banks or creditors can reclaim the possessions of owner if he/she is unable to fulfill the contract of mortgage loan. As the financial crisis has occurred in the USA, the numbers of foreclosures have increased. Several banks such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Ally among others had announced foreclosures against the homeowners who failed to repay the loan amount. Real Estate Foreclosures and the Financial Crisis The unreasonable strategies of financial institutions in the USA had allowed many people to purchase houses which they could not manage to pay for. It was unwise for people to think that house prices will only increase and as a result people started to take loans and purchase property from them in the prediction that the cost will increase in future, which will make it easy for them to repay the amount. When the bubble burst, the house price began to decrease considerably and several home owners were trapped unexpectedly to pay for the l oan amount. As people understood that they will lose more money by selling their property compared to the loan amount, they foreclosed. The increasing rate of foreclosure had freaked several banks as well as hedge funds that had already converted the loan amounts to securities and comprehended large amount of losses (Edmonds, â€Å"What's The No. 1 Reason for Foreclosure?†). According to Mortgage Banker Association (MBA) above 900,000 households had foreclosed in the year 2008 which was 71% more compared to 2007. It was recoded as highest foreclosure rate over 36 years in the US economy. The main reason for foreclosure was the attitude of people of maintaining lifestyle beyond their affordability. The subprime loans frequently arrive with low preliminary interest rates and thus people with less affordability are the key receivers of it (Edmonds, â€Å"What's The No. 1 Reason for Foreclosure?†). Causes of Foreclosures The unconscious purchasers of loans are liable for f oreclosure crisis in the USA. In order to benefit from the large loan values, people had chosen several dishonest paths such as fabricating their income, and increasing the values of pledged properties. The lenders had also avoided taking necessary actions against such conducts and made this happen. Generally, people are not very aware about financial details with respect to planning their own revenues. They were simply attracted by the smartly influencing media and thus often fall for overwhelming mortgage culture. The leaders and politicians were more engaged with spending more amounts compared to tax revenue. The high expenditure had resulted in deficit of budget. In order to deal with the deficit, government had produced more currency which brought inflation and the value of Dollar fell significantly. As a result, the prices of essential goods increased and ordinary people became incapable to cope up with the higher inflation rate. The expense for mortgage amount increased due t o fluctuating interest rate and foreclosure was the end result of it. Several unethical decisions to deal with the deficit of budget such as borrowing money from overseas countries and spending excess money on war had degraded the economy of the USA (Vidmar, â€Å"Seven Ways Foreclosures Impact Communities†

How successful the Vietnamese people living in the United States are Research Paper

How successful the Vietnamese people living in the United States are today since they came to the United States after 1975 - Research Paper Example ounterparts who immigrated to the United States from East Asia mainly for economic interests, the Vietnamese are less accomplished both financially and academically. Even though the community of Vietnamese immigrants in the United States faces many challenges, their economic status has been reported to have improved dramatically, especially between the late 1980s and the early 2000. In 1989 for instance, the Vietnamese Americans who lived below the poverty line formed 34 percent of the entire Vietnamese American population while in 1999 the number had reduced by more than half to 16 percent (Bankston 213). On the social front, Vietnamese Americans have made notable steps ever since they came to the United States. According to Collette (57), a study carried out in 2008 showed that the Vietnamese community in the United States is one among the most assimilated immigrant communities in the country. Despite the lower rate of economic and cultural assimilation as compared to other immigrant groups, the rate of civic assimilation in the community was the highest among the relatively large groups of immigrants (Collette 59). The study attributed the slower rates of economic and cultural assimilation to the language difference with the American communities. The high rates of civic assimilation were attributed to the fact that, since most of them are political refugees, they expect to stay permanently in the United States and, therefore, have become more involved in politics than most of the other immigrant groups. Most of the Vietnamese Americans are anti-communism. This made most of them support the Republican Party, although the support has reportedly been eroded in the recent past. They preferred the Republican Party since they view the Democratic Party as not as anti-communist as the Republican Party is. However, the second generation of the immigrant group as well as the newer and poorer refugees has been reported to show support for the Democratic Party. Even then,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Real Estate Foreclosures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Real Estate Foreclosures - Essay Example Through foreclosure process, banks or creditors can reclaim the possessions of owner if he/she is unable to fulfill the contract of mortgage loan. As the financial crisis has occurred in the USA, the numbers of foreclosures have increased. Several banks such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Ally among others had announced foreclosures against the homeowners who failed to repay the loan amount. Real Estate Foreclosures and the Financial Crisis The unreasonable strategies of financial institutions in the USA had allowed many people to purchase houses which they could not manage to pay for. It was unwise for people to think that house prices will only increase and as a result people started to take loans and purchase property from them in the prediction that the cost will increase in future, which will make it easy for them to repay the amount. When the bubble burst, the house price began to decrease considerably and several home owners were trapped unexpectedly to pay for the l oan amount. As people understood that they will lose more money by selling their property compared to the loan amount, they foreclosed. The increasing rate of foreclosure had freaked several banks as well as hedge funds that had already converted the loan amounts to securities and comprehended large amount of losses (Edmonds, â€Å"What's The No. 1 Reason for Foreclosure?†). According to Mortgage Banker Association (MBA) above 900,000 households had foreclosed in the year 2008 which was 71% more compared to 2007. It was recoded as highest foreclosure rate over 36 years in the US economy. The main reason for foreclosure was the attitude of people of maintaining lifestyle beyond their affordability. The subprime loans frequently arrive with low preliminary interest rates and thus people with less affordability are the key receivers of it (Edmonds, â€Å"What's The No. 1 Reason for Foreclosure?†). Causes of Foreclosures The unconscious purchasers of loans are liable for f oreclosure crisis in the USA. In order to benefit from the large loan values, people had chosen several dishonest paths such as fabricating their income, and increasing the values of pledged properties. The lenders had also avoided taking necessary actions against such conducts and made this happen. Generally, people are not very aware about financial details with respect to planning their own revenues. They were simply attracted by the smartly influencing media and thus often fall for overwhelming mortgage culture. The leaders and politicians were more engaged with spending more amounts compared to tax revenue. The high expenditure had resulted in deficit of budget. In order to deal with the deficit, government had produced more currency which brought inflation and the value of Dollar fell significantly. As a result, the prices of essential goods increased and ordinary people became incapable to cope up with the higher inflation rate. The expense for mortgage amount increased due t o fluctuating interest rate and foreclosure was the end result of it. Several unethical decisions to deal with the deficit of budget such as borrowing money from overseas countries and spending excess money on war had degraded the economy of the USA (Vidmar, â€Å"Seven Ways Foreclosures Impact Communities†

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Education Inquiry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Education Inquiry - Essay Example Blalock states that he wrote the book to confront the perennial problems that all social scientists face and it was his desire to ask two questions. Those two questions are, "Why aren't we doing better, and how can we improve" (Blalock, 1984, p 6). In order to answer those two questions, we as social scientists/researchers must understand the background and environment in which we must toil. There are a number of "very tough intellectual challenges stemming from the complexity of the social world we are attempting to study" (Blalock, 1984, p 6). Blalock points out that we need to understand those intellectual challenges and the interplay of our individual intellectual backgrounds, interests and behaviors with those challenges. The answers to these questions are what we consider as we continue the process of research. James M. Black said that "One of the most important features of the training of research scholars is the acquisition of skills required to conduct sound scientific investigations" (Black, 1976, pg 6). We understand that there are a number of pitfalls and bias that w... ntly will encounter as individuals in attempting research projects and that we will need to understand what and who we are in order to be proficient in our jobs and careers.. If we first work at gaining the skills that we need to answer those questions then our projects will be more readily presentable and understood by those we are attempting to influence. One of the understandings that we must address is the characteristics of scientific research. Black says that "sociology has the following characteristics of science; 1. sociology is empirical, 2. sociology is theoretical, 3. sociology is cumulative, 4. sociology is non-ethical" (Black, 1976, p 5). The book goes on to explain that empirical means that it is based on observation and reasoning, theoretical is the attempt to summarize complex observations in abstract, logically related propositions, cumulative shows how sociological theories build upon one another and that by being non-ethical means that sociologists do not ask whether particular social actions are good or bad, they merely seek to explain them. Social Research/ pg 3 The non-ethical statement could be the most important one of the four. As social scientists, a problem that we will almost always (in ourselves) is the urge to judge social actions, and present them as good or bad. That is not our job when conducting a research project. Our job should be conducted along the lines of maintaining the research process with stringent guidelines. As social scientists we must adhere to those guidelines in order for our presentation(s) of the material to be taken seriously. If we advocate the use of the material in certain ways, whatever ways those are, then we are no longer social scientists but could be considered as social advocates.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender Communication Essay Example for Free

Gender Communication Essay Women are continually hammering against a glass ceiling and also their advancement is usually hindered by a promotion bottleneck in the middle management and a sticky floor. According to a recent research on an analysis of careers from a number of employees, it was found out that the rates of promotion for men from the start of their careers to senior management was higher as compared to women who started at the same level. Majority of men were promoted as compared to women who had equivalent experience and education. This has adversely affected gender communication by way of intimidation whereby the women are left feeling inferior (Ivy, 28). I picked this topic so that I can comprehend deeply on the effects of glass ceiling and sticky floors approach to communication, and how it is related to gender communication. Knowledge about this topic would adequately prepare me for the world since I would be knowledgeable on how to handle various aspects of my life which include my workplace and my relationships. I came to discover that the glass ceiling and sticky floors issues had only been studied at a high level especially at the top of the management. Women are only promoted to very top positions only if they have successfully made it through at the middle management level (Wood, 157). From my conclusive research I discovered that there is usually a floor that is men dominated by the men in regards to promotions. Unfortunately for women, it is extremely difficult to penetrate through this floor due to the fact that there is a lot biases towards women promotions. Men are easily promoted whereas for women, they have to demonstrate capabilities beyond reasonable doubt that they deserve a promotion. I learnt that there is also the challenge of a mid- level bottleneck towards women which ideally favored men. This concept ensured that few women were promoted from the mid-level management to senior management. This meant that a lot of women were stuck at the mid-level management and they did not progress further from this level. However, this was not same case with men who had similar credentials to the women regardless of both sexes having similar qualifications academically and  experience (Krolokke and Ann, 58). I was deeply surprised by the aforementioned findings and I had to ask myself various questions about the topic. I still have not understood where there should be that prejudice towards women yet there is an affirmative action regarding women. I am yet to establish effective solutions to the link between challenges of gender communication in relation to the glass ceiling and sticky floors approach to communication. A number of areas need to be researched thoroughly so that the relation of the two aspects are understood and practice to the letter. Challenges that face the two aspects should be dealt with through consensus so that there can be a win- win solution where both parties, that is the male and female live and work in harmony (Wood, 159). In conclusion, I wish to strongly suggest that the gender equality aspect should be practiced and women should effectively be given equal opportunities like their male counterparts. Gender communication needs to be a two way traffic and both the male and female should have equal opportunities to express themselves. The barriers that create the glass ceiling and sticky floors approach to communication should be eradicated. Everyone should be given equal opportunities for harmony between both sexes to prevail. Works Citied Ivy, Diana K. Genderspeak: Personal Effectiveness in Gender Communication. Boston: Pearson Education, 2012. Print. Krolà ¸kke, Charlotte, and Ann S. Sà ¸rensen. Gender Communication Theories Analyses: From Silence to Performance. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: SAGE, 2006. Print. Wood, Julia T. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. Belmont, CA: Thompson/Wadsworth, 2008. Print. Wood, Julia T. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage, 2013. Print.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The molecular gastronomy

The molecular gastronomy What is molecular gastronomy? Who are its main proponents? Is it simply a fad or new culinary movement The molecular gastronomy term appeared in 1988 presented by a scientist Hungarian physicist Professor Nicholas Kurti and French physical chemist Hervà © This. Molecular gastronomy embraces science about food. It is a scientific investigation on food with new technological equipment and use of natural gums and hydrocolloids. The chefs use modern thickeners, sugar substitutes, enzymes, liquid nitrogen; cooking methods such as sous vide, gastrovac (a vacuum chamber), dehydration; a hold-o-mat (an accurate low-temperature oven) and cryogenics; tools as centrifuges, desiccators. There is no general definition what molecular gastronomy means. Lets have a look at few definitions: The application of scientific principles to the understanding and improvement of domestic and gastronomic food preparation. (Peter Barham) The art and science of choosing, preparing and eating good food. (Thorvald Pedersen) The scientific study of deliciousness. (Harold McGee) Herve This stated that the term ‘molecular gastronomy’ is misinterpreted and misused by media. The top three chefs by the British magazine Restaurant: Ferran Adria from El Bulli in Rosas; Spain, Heston Blumenthal from the Fat Duck in Bray, UK; and Pierre Gagnaire from restaurant in Paris, France, are usually associated with molecular gastronomy. Especially Ferran Adria is considered a father of it. However, these chefs are not very keen on this term and they made a general statement: â€Å"We embrace innovation: new ingredients, appliances, information, techniques and ideas; whatever can make a real contribution to our cooking. But we do not pursue novelty for its own sake. It is, after all, just cooking.† (Heston Blumenthal, 2006). They think that molecular gastronomy is a new approach to cooking. And Heston Blumenthal is concerned that â€Å"the danger is that technology overtakes the value of the dish†. He worried that ‘someones going to do something really stupid and then everyone will point’ to him and say that its all his fault. A science about food helps to understand how to cook healthy and nutritious food, how to make it more attractive. The cooking tools remained the same through the many centuries but educational programmes cannot rely on traditional recipes because cooking products, ingredients and methods changed over time. If cooking would be explored scientifically, the educational health programmes would benefit from it. The scientific exploration of cooking helps chefs to create a new dishes and inventions. All sciences: chemistry, physics, biology, history and sociology are important in cooking. To surprise and delight his customers with exciting, tasty and healthy food is the main objective for all chefs. According to Herve This (2006), ‘a dish can be cooked perfectly, but if it is not presented in an appealing way, all the art and science will mean little to the customer or guest’. The science about food could help to feed the worlds population creating and developing genetically modified food. Nevertheless, some chefs think that molecular gastronomy is ridiculous. Catalan chef, Santi Santamarà ­a, thinks that those using chemicals to experiment with food are just â€Å"playing with food. Jun Tanaka, a British Japanese chef, thinks molecular gastronomy has acquired a poor reputation. To do it properly, you have to understand the science behind the food.† For example, Ferran Adria has been attacked by critics who claim his food is pretentious, elitist and even poisonous in its use of colourants, gelling agents and emulsifiers. Nevertheless, this form of cookery is very expensive, demands high quality ingredients and intensive manpower. The diners raise ethical questions about how the food is produced. Many chefs think that molecular gastronomy term will die in future or will be changed into avant garde cuisine as it is only a fancy name and doesnt describe their cooking. Chefs cook and do not analyse molecules or their movement. Some dishes that are creative, push boundaries of texture, or out-of-the ordinary get the label of molecular gastronomy. For example, fake caviar made from sodium alginate and calcium, burning sherbets, spaghetti made from vegetables. It is a question of time when molecular gastronomy term will disappear. Many chefs think that molecular gastronomy is just a fancy name which was created to attract investors and it doesnt describe their cooking. Chefs cook and dont analyse molecules and their movement. ‘Molecular cuisine’ does not exist, the term means nothing. I have been explaining this for the past five years but the media continues to insist, Adria said in the interview. Ferran Adria is going to close his ElBulli restaurant next year and open a non-profit foundation from 2014. The private foundation will grant between 20 -25 scholarships annually for chefs and other industry professionals who will be interested in food science or ‘contemporary cuisine’. Is it ethical to experiment with food using chemicals ingredients having in mind that the poorest countries suffer from malnutrition? Do chefs need food science knowledge about food if their want to be excellent in their cooking? Bibliography AFP (2010) Worlds top restaurant to become a foundation [online] Available at: Accessed on 22/02/2010 Arnold, D. (2009) Molecular Gastronomy is just a long four letter word [online] Available at: Accessed at 21/02/2010 Callaway, E. (2009) Science is vital ingredient at worlds best restaurant [online] Available at: Accessed on 22/02/2010 Caterer and hotelkeeper (2010) Molecular gastronomy and beyond [online] Available at: Accessed on 16/02/2010 Cousins, J. OGorman, K. Stierand, M (2009) Molecular gastronomy: cuisine innovation or modern day alchemy? [online] Available at: Accessed on 24/02/2010 Edgecumbe, L. (2010) Turning point: El Bullis closure not the end of molecular gastronomy [online] Available at: Accessed on 16/02/2010 Espinoza, J, (2010) The state of molecular Gastronomy [online] Available at: Accessed on 16/02/2010 Herve This (2006) Food for tomorrow? How the scientific discipline of molecular gastronomy could change the way we eat [online] Available at: Accessed on 16/02/2010 Highfield, R. (2009) An adventure in molecular gastronomy [online] Available at: Accessed on 22/02/2010 Pierce, J.(2008) Food careers, glorious food careers [online] Available at: Accessed on 22/02/2010 The Observer (2010) ‘Molecular Gastronomy is dead’. Heston speaks out [online] Available at:,,1969722,00.html Accessed on 16/02/2010

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot as an Existentialist Play Essay

Waiting for Godot as an Existentialist Play   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The play, Waiting For Godot, is centred around two men, Estragon and Vladimir, who are waiting for a Mr. Godot, of whom they know little. Estragon admits himself that he may never recognize Mr. Godot, "Personally I wouldn't know him if I ever saw him." (p.23). Estragon also remarks, "†¦ we hardly know him." (p.23), which illustrates to an audience that the identity of Mr. Godot is irrelevant, as little information is ever given throughout the play about this indefinable Mr. X. What is an important element of the play is the act of waiting for someone or something that never arrives. Western readers may find it natural to speculate on the identity of Godot because of their inordinate need to find answers to questions. Beckett however suggests that the identity of Godot is in itself a rhetorical question. It is possible to stress the for in the waiting for †¦: to see the purpose of action in two men with a mission, not to be deflected from their compulsive task. " Estragon: †¦ Let's go. Vladimir: We can't. Estragon: Why not? Vladimir: We're waiting for Godot." (p.14). The essence of existentialism concentrates on the concept of the individual's freedom of choice, as opposed to the belief that humans are controlled by a pre-existing omnipotent being, such as God. Estragon and Vladimir have made the choice of waiting, without instruction or guidance, as Vladimir says, "He didn't say for sure he'd come" (p.14), but decides to "wait till we know exactly how we stand" (p.18). Albert Camus, an existentialist writer, believed that boredom or waiting, which is essentially the breakdown of routine or habit, caused people to think seriously about their identity,... ...h other or from their situation in general. The optimistic view of the play shows a range of human emotion and the need to share experiences alongside the suffering of finite existence; governed by the past, acting in the present and uncertain of the future. Works Cited and Consulted Alvarez, A. Samuel Beckett. New York: Viking, 1973. Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts. New York: Grove, 1953. by GradeSaver. J. N. Smith. Aug. 1999. Web. 27 March 2015 Graver, Lawrence. Waiting for Godot. 5th ed. New York: U of Cambridge P, 1999. Hugh Kenner, A Readers Guide to Samuel Beckett, London 1973. Wikipedia. Waiting for Godot. Web. 27 March 2015   

Friday, October 11, 2019

One Direction boy-band Essay

One Direction is a boy-band formed by Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles and Niall Horan, the band was formed in a contest called The X Factor. Body: The X Factor UK is a British competition in which several people in order to fulfill his dream of being a singer going to participate. So as determined to win Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik entered the contest individually, then his mentor Simon Cowell saw something special in the boys and decided to join them and he was not wrong. Although they were in 3rd place, today is the most famous! boy-band in the world After they finish the contest they decided to record their first album and with the help of the money he won in the contest and with his mentor Simon’s discography called Sony and Syco could finish their first album called â€Å"Up All Night† which was released on November 18, 2011 in Ireland and in the UK on 21 November with a beautiful content of 13 songs and disc Special Edition has 3 more songs. Up All Night won the first place in sales in United Kingdom, in EUA the 1st place on the Billboard, which is a form of measuring success, and was the third album most sold in 2011. That same year they released a song that comes on the album, called † â€Å"What Makes You Beautiful†currently the most famous song, which was in 4th place from Billboard. † Last year they released their second album called â€Å"Take Me Home† 9 and 13 November depending on the country, the disc includes 13 songs, the disc Special Edition 4 more songs and the Deluxe 13 songs more Special Edition 4 more other 3 songs. In Mexico reached first place in sales in one week. The Take Me Home tour began on February 23 in London, and continues around the world, reached Mexico on 8 and 9 June, until complete. Conclusion: To Me One Direction is the boy-band more talented and fun that exists, since boys are normal people and make mistakes like us, have fun like us, have flaws like us and make all the same to us (they are human but believe it or not). And although not like many to me if I like, because as says Cher Loyd (singer) â€Å"guys hate to One Direction because sing what a girl wants to hear  and what a boy fears say†.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dr. Watson to reveal Essay

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle shows Sherlock Holmes as a highly intelligent individual. We are shown Holmes’ intelligence from his good friend Dr. Watson. We learn that Holmes is very methodical in his deductive ways; this is shown in â€Å"The Speckled Band†, as Watson describes the movements of Sherlock Holmes, and how he â€Å"sits in his usual way†. This tells us the type of character that Holmes is; Holmes uses the power of deduction in a clinical way. This is shown as Sherlock Holmes tells Helen Stoner how she arrived to his house. Holmes explains how the mud on the left side of her jacket could only be from the dogcart she used, â€Å"there is no vehicle save a dogcart which throws up mud in that way, and then only when you sit on the left-hand side of the driver†. In â€Å"The Speckled Band† we also see the type of character Holmes is, we learn that Holmes’ intelligence is greater than any of the common man, but we also see Holmes’ strength as Dr. Roylott, the step-father of Helen Stoner, bends an iron poker out of shape. As Dr. Roylott leaves, Holmes bends the poker back into shape. In this passage we also see how Holmes tells Watson how he is compared to the official police force, â€Å"Fancy having the insolence to confound me with the official detective force! † This shows us how highly Holmes thinks of himself. Later in the novel we see the medical genius of Holmes, as he shows Watson how two little bite marks are left on the corpse, and how the victim must have been poisoned. This tells us that Holmes is very observant and self-explanatory in his investigations, with the aid of his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes observations and knowledge are also shown in â€Å"The Five Orange Pips†, this is shown as Holmes explains how his late guest joins them, â€Å"You have come up from the south-west, I see. † â€Å"Yes from Horsham. † â€Å"That clay and chalk mixture which I see upon your toe-caps is quite distinctive. † this tells us how Holmes knowledge and observation of the places he has visited. Also in this passage we see that Holmes is known around the country as he has helped many other people, † I have heard of you, Mr. Holmes. I heard from Major Prendergast how you saved him in the Tankerville Club Scandal† We also learn that Holmes has been defeated in his quest for justice. â€Å"I have been beaten four times- three times by men and once by a woman. † This shows the character of Holmes, accepting that these people have beaten him. In â€Å"The Five Orange Pips† we see how excited by this case and how it is â€Å"One of the most remarkable to which I have listened. † This also tells us that Holmes intelligence has still not heard of such deaths and murders. This shows his character, as he still wants to solve cases, in which he doesn’t know what is going to happen. We also see that Holmes gives advice to the man who has asked for help; Holmes tells him that he should act upon the situation. However when the man told the police, they laughed. Then Holmes cries â€Å"Incredible imbecility! † this shows how Holmes believes that the police are ignorant, like in â€Å"The Speckled Band†. We also learn about the type of skills and intelligence that Holmes picked up, this is shown to us by Dr. Watson, â€Å"Botany variable, geology profound as regards the mud stains from any region within 50 miles of town, chemistry eccentric, autonomy unsystematic, sensational literature and crime records unique, violin player, boxer, swordsman, lawyer, and self-poisoner by cocaine and tobacco. Those, I think, were the main points of my analysis. † This tells us the amount of studying and how intelligent Holmes is.

The Origins of Sociology

FK8R 34 Sociology A: Introduction to Sociology Alisha Walsh In the mid 1800’s, French author Auguste Comte came up with the term â€Å"sociology†. Although previous philosophers, historians and political thinkers had studied and tried to make sense of their societies, this was when it began to develop as a distinctive science. Comte grew up in a time of great social and political upheaval. As the world rapidly changed, he and others began to study the societies they lived in.He sought to create a science of society that could explain the laws of the social world just as science explained the functioning of the physical world. (Giddens 2006:11) Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth century political revolutions occurring throughout Europe, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution all lead to previously unseen changes in many societies. The French Revolution of 1789 meant that monarchs of Europe came under severe scrutiny. Subjects began to question their  "divine right† to rule.Ideas of individuals’ rights and their say in how society was run emerged. Political parties and social reform quickly followed. Great scientific discoveries formed a perspective of looking to science and reason to answer questions about the natural and social world. People were turning away from the church, religion and superstition for these answers. The Industrial Revolution 1780-1800 had a profound effect on Britain and laterally Europe. Almost all aspects of life were changed as people became part of the factory system.People moved from rural areas and agricultural jobs to towns where social life was more impersonal and anonymous. They began to work by a clock instead of the rhythms of the season. Traditional values and roles were dropped as new ones evolved. To study Sociology, one must have what C. Wright Mills called a â€Å"sociological imagination†. Sociological thinking and imagination requires us to remove ourselves from our eve ryday lives and experience, and look at them differently. Only then can we realise that individual experience can actually reflect larger issues.He emphasised the difference between â€Å"personal troubles of millue† and â€Å"public issues of social structure†(Mills 2000 :5) This means that the sociological imagination allows us to see that public issues such as war, marriage, the economy, urbanisation etc, can affect the individual as well as personal circumstance and experiences. â€Å"The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two. That is its task and its promise. †(Mills 2000:2) He stated that sociologists must ask three crucial questions: What is the structure of this particular society?Where does this society stand in human history? What varieties of men and women prevail in this society and in the coming period? (Mills 200:3) He believed that as individuals these questions would help us make sens e of our own place and experience in the society we live in and identify its structures and characteristics. He also stated that â€Å"they are the questions inevitably raised by any mind possessing the sociological imagination. For that imagination is the capacity to shift form one perspective to another†.The sociological imagination allows us to be analytical and critical of the world and to look at the bigger picture. There are many sociological theories which attempt to explain how society works. They provide a framework for explaining social behaviour. They find the relation between individuals, groups and society. These theories can be put into two broad categories, macro theories and micro theories. Macro theories such as Functionalism and Marxism look to explaining behaviour through the notion of social structures and look at society holistically.Macro theories tend to use quantitive research when a social theory or model is being explored. Data has to be measurable a nd proccessed mathematically (surveys) to provide unbiased results that can be measured, compared and related to large parts of society (Amit B. Marvasti 2004:7). Micro theories such as social action and symbolic interaction look at individual behaviour and how small scale interactions shape society. Micro theories use qualitive research methods, concentrating on smaller groups but providing more detailed analysis and descriptions of human experience.The experiment can be based around a theory and results are recorded as detailed, narrative descriptions as opposed to numerical codes found in quantitive research (Amit B. Mavasti 2004:10) Functionalism analyses how social structures explain behaviour. Interdependent parts of society have to function together to create a whole system. Biological or mechanical analogies are often used. Functionalism emphasises integration, harmony, stability and continuity. It is a positive perspective that views even tragedies or inequality as serving a function in society. McClelland2001:1) It looks at society as a whole and is good at explaining the persistence of social phenomena (anomie). Marxism also focuses on social structures but is a conflict theory. Society is made up of infrastructure and superstructure. This structure is based on the inequality of distribution of production and causes conflict. It recognises different power interests in groups and is good at explaining conflict and change ( SparkNotes Editors 2006). Social Action theory emphasises the intentional behaviour of individuals as the cause of social structure.Individuals shape society as a result of intentional individual or group interaction. It concentrates on the meaning of social behaviour and its interpretation by others and is good at explaining small scale interactions. According to Anthony Giddens , good sociology must examine both social structures and social interactions. It is how a fuller understanding of social life is achieved (Giddens2005:25) . Socialization, Social order and Social Stratification are three key concepts in sociology that try to explain the relationship between the individual and society.Social order is the way in which societies’ basic requirements are met to exist, how peace and order is maintained. It is obtained formally through laws and through the use of social norms, roles and values. It involves a set of linked structures, institutions and practices that can maintain and enforce conformity and social order (Dr Almog 1998). Functionalist theory views individuals as contributing to social order by happily playing out their occupied roles within social institutions. These roles are guided by the norms and values we learn through socialization and are necessary for society to function (Dr Almog 1998).Marxist theory claims that social order is forced on the individual, norms and values are used by institutions that want to maintain capitalism. They are a way to control the working class (Giddens 2006: 301-302). Social Action theory sees social order as a product of social interactions, symbolic meanings and how they are interpreted by others. The individual is a social actor who will interpret and process social stimuli and makes choices accordingly. Socialization is a lifelong learning process and plays a crucial part in forming our identities. It is the process by which individuals learn the culture of their society† (Haralambos & Holborn 2008:3). The important stage of socialization occurs during infancy. The child learns many basic behaviour patterns of its society by responding to the approval or disapproval of their parents and also by copying their example. In western societies, the educational system, religion, the mass media, the occupational group and peer groups are also important in the socialisation process ( Haralambos & Holbor2008:3).Functionalist theory believes that socialisation reinforces the social structure and maintains society. That it is functional and beneficial to social order. It transfers culture, norms and values to new generations and integrates individuals into society. It is the social glue that holds society together and helps create a sense of harmony and cooperation (Kent McClelland 2001). Marxism sees socialization as one of the most effective tools of the Bourgeoisie.It legitimises existing social inequalities and prepares the individual for a class related role they will fill indefinitely (SparkNotes Editors 2006). Social Action theory believes socialization is relevant in relation to symbols and their interpretation, the development of social identity and the small scale interactions that shape it. Socialisation helps maintain social order (Cardiff University 2010). Social Stratification is the ranking and ordering of individuals within a society. It is a structured hierarchy which leads to divisions and higher status, wealth and privilege for some groups.Social class is the stratification system f ound in modern industrial societies like the UK, but it can also occur due to other attributes such as gender, age, religious education or military rank (Giddens 2006:295) Members of a particular strata will share a similar lifestyle and common identity which will to some extent distinguish them from members of other social strata (H & H 2008:19) A functionalist perspective of social stratification is that it is based on meritocracy and is therefore an inevitable part of all societies.Talcott Parsons believed that social stratifications are a basic expression of shared values which are an essential part of a functioning society. Social stratification is functional because it integrates various groups in society (H& H2008:21) Marxism regards stratification as a divisive structure rather than an integrated one. It is seen as a mechanism for the ruling class to exploit the subject class, rather than a means of furthering collective goals (H & H 2008:27). Various institution s such as legal and political systems are used to dominate the subject class resulting in conflict (H & H 2008:28).Social action theory focuses on how a persons’ social standing affects their everyday interactions. According to Max Webber, social stratification not only involves class but also status and party (social status and political power) (Giddens 2006:302-303). Social action theory studies the processes behind stereotypes, mixed interactions and labelling. Its notes how stratification is a way to put people in groups and questions how much power individuals in these groups have to realise their goals (Cardiff University 2010) ReferencesHaralambos & Holborn (2008) Sociology Themes and Perspectives , 7th Edition, London, Harper Collins Anthony Giddens (2006) Sociology, 5th Edition, Cambridge, Polity Press Amit B. Mavasti (2004) Qualititive Research in Sociology, London, Sage Publications Ltd C. Wright Mills (2000) The Sociological Imagination, 40th Edition, New York , Oxford University Press Inc World Wide Web Page Kent McClelland, Grinnel College 2001 Functionalism (Online) Available: web. grinnel. edu/courses/soc/s00/soc111-01/IntroTheories/Functionalism. tml SparkNotes Editors 2006 Sparknote on Sociology Major Figures (Online) Available: http://www. sparknotes. com/sociology/major-figures/ (Acceseed 31 October 2012) Dr Oz Almog, Electronic Journal of Sociology 1998 The Problem of Social Type: A Review (Online) Available:www. sociology. org/content/vol003. 004/almog. html (Accessed 31 October 2012) Angus Bancroft and Sionead Rogers, Cardiff University 2010 Max Weber-Natural Science, Social Science and Value Relevance (Online) http://www. cf. ac. uk/socsi/undergraduate/introsoc/weber6. html

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Evolution of poultry processing in America Essay

Evolution of poultry processing in America - Essay Example At the end of 19th century poultry in USA were raised primarily for their eggs. In the early 1920s farmers, mainly women, began to sell eggs and meat on a market. By 1925 many farmer had already sold out poultry by rail. So, for 30 years home production of poultry had been turned into industry. In the 1930s, in some agricultural regions feed salesman sold to the farmers baby chicks in order they feed them on credit. When the chicks were grown, they buy chickens back at a price that would cover his costs and guarantee farmers a profit (Stull, Broadway, 1995). In some years these businessmen were able to open their own poultry processing plant and hatchery. So, during this period the poultry production was divided into several different sectors which include local growers, hatcheries, feed mills and processing plants all operating independently of one another. "The farmer switched from plant to plant based on the timing of each plant's needs. The biggest problem with this type of arrangement was a lack of protocol" (Stull, Broadway, 1995). During this time, there was no standard plan in order to give detailed instructions for farmers and processing plants to raise birds or hatcheries to process chicks or mills to formulate ingredients for feed (Moreng, Avens, 1985). At this period manual ... In addition the poultry processing work was dangerous, repetitive, and unhealthy. At the end of 1930s, when the Second World War began (1939), there was a significant growth in the poultry industry, and poultry consumption. The main buyer was the War Food Administration which reserved the processed chicken from many US states. This was an advantage for poultry plans as they can estimate the quantity of products having a guaranteed buyer. During the war period there was a shift from "New York dressed" (with head, feet, and entrails intact) to fully processed chickens (without head, feet, and entrails), and later to frozen birds, which became the industry standard (Moreng, Avens, 1985). In the middle of the XX century poultry industry grew remarkably. According to statistical data the number of farms involved in poultry production rose from 230 to 3,499 between 1939 and 1950. Many poultry processing plans integrate innovations and completed the vertical integration of their plants. These changes were caused by scientific discoveries and improving technology, which resulted in high productivity of plants. On the other hand, because of advances in technology and the need for constant refinancing to modernize chicken houses, the number of frames went bankrupt. For instance, "In Hall County only one-sixth of the number of contract growers in 1950 produced six times as many chickens in 1997" (Ensminger, 1992). The cooperative was developed to integrate the functional areas under one plant attempting to reduce costs with economies of scale and create standards that control quality from the hatching egg through the processing plant. To further cement the functional areas, the company was consolidated under our current management